Evidence gathering for Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs)

Domestic Energy Assessors (DEAs) need to be able to see the elements of your house that they are recording. If they can’t see it, or evidence it, they can’t record that it is there. This can cause issues for homeowners if they do not have documentary evidence of work, such as insulation, that has been done.

Why book in for evidence gathering for energy performance certificates?

Many homeowners have made improvements to their homes by insulating lofts that are then boarded over or by insulating walls, floors or ceilings. It can be frustrating when this work is not reflected on your EPC.

Elmhurst Energy state that ‘EPCs are evidence based, which means they are non-invasive (no drilling or hammering into walls!) Therefore if a DEA can’t see or measure something i.e. insulation, you must provide documentation. You can do this by getting a letter of confirmation from the installer (with the company name, contact details and property address on) detailing the thickness of the insulation. It must show that it was installed (past tense), not that it is going to be.’ Energy efficiency measures such as insulation could also be evidenced with a building regulations compliance certificate that outlines the work that has been completed.

There are many reasons that the documentary evidence outlined above may not be available. You may have carried out, or be planning to carry out, the work yourself. You may not have a document outlining the work that was done by a builder or have a certificate from building regulations to say the work has been signed off if the work had been done by a previous owner. In these instances you can not produce documentary evidence that work such as hidden insulation in walls or lofts has been done.

We can help provide this evidence so that your EPC accurately represents the energy efficiency of your home.

How can EVA Energy Optimisation evidence work that can’t be seen?

We can complete borescope testing of your walls, floors or lofts to check the type and depth of insulation. This is an invasive test where a series of small holes are drilled in your walls/ floor and a borescope camera is inserted to investigate the section of material. This can then be photographed and evidence for use on your EPC. These holes will then be filled with a sealant or a filler depending on whether the holes are internal or external.

If you are planning to carry out works on your house yourself, we can visit your property and take photographs and measurements while the insulation is still visible. You can then use this document as evidence to support your EPC after the work has been completed.

Borescope testing starts at £70

Site visits for evidence gathering start at £50 per visit